Supporting our Student Organizations
Farragut High School offers a number of diverse and interesting clubs that offer chances for students to explore what matters to them! We proudly support the FHS student organizations.
The FHS DECA organization had an outstanding 2021-2022 competition season. They had 62 students qualified for the state competition and from there 21 students made it to the National Competition.
Mock Trial
The FHS Mock Trial team had an awesome performance in the district mock trial competition. In April 2022. they were invited to attend KBA’s Law Day Luncheon. The team was recognized by the KBA membership and represented FHS proudly.
Robotics Team 3140
In the spring of 2022, Team 3140 participate in the inaugural Tallahassee regional competition. This event allowed the students to see what FIRST Robotics is all about and see their hard work in action. The team was able to interact and learn from teams from all over the country.
Latin Club
In the fall of 2022, we were able to help the FHS Latin Club attend UT Latin Day. UT hosted hundreds of high school and middle school Latinist. This fun day was fulled with fellowship and learning about the classical world.